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Tips for Growing Strawberries

Don't shy away from growing strawberries. It's much easier than you might think and they taste so much more delicious than the ones you can buy.

Best Tips and Tricks for Growing strawberries iin your own garden.

I love to eat strawberries and always wanted to have my own little batch. When I moved into the city, this became more difficult, but I've meanwhile found the perfect way to container garden strawberries.

Together with my father who has been a hobby gardener since more than 50 years we have tested everything about strawberry plants and finally found the best ways to grow them in a big garden, on a balcony and even on the kitchen self.

He's tried and tested all varieties of fruits and vegetables in at least five different gardens with different soils. He knows everything about growing berries.

Every time I visit my parents (in summer) my first thing after saying hello to them is to "revise" their garden and taste all the delicious fruits and vegetables my father grows: strawberries, goose-, rasp- and blackberries, cherries, tomatoes, paprika, etc.

Only after I've eaten enough I go inside again and have a chat with them. My parents know this since a long time and have adapted their garden to be as "edible" as possible.

All the pages around the gardening topic have been written with my father's and another experienced gardener's invaluable insight. With tons of useful tips for beginners like me and probably still something to learn for already experienced gardeners.

There's no reason that you can't have your own little harvest with these tips.

Growing Strawberries Tips

The Strawberry Plant

Best Time to Plant Strawberries

Breed Strawberries from Strawberry Seeds

Growing Strawberry Pots

Plant Care

Alpine Strawberries

Wild Strawberry

Container Gardening

Planting Patches

Plant a Strawberry Tree in Your Garden

Plants for Sale

Read this Article before you buy Strawberry Plants

Strawberry Planters will add Beauty to your Garden

Strawberry Farming is a Good Start

Picking at a Strawberry Farm

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