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Strawberry Banana Drinks

If you're tired of drinking the same old strawberry drinks all over again (which I don't believe you do), then try these recipes with bananas and other fruits.

The banana will thicken and sweeten your strawberry drinks without adding any sugar.

With one big glass of banana shake you can stay full for hours. This makes them a perfect breakfast or light dessert.

Adding other fruits like papaya give your strawberry drinks an exotic flavor.

Try and find out which one you like best.

Papaya Strawberry Banana Drink

This banana drink is suitable for vegetarians and vegans. No milk involved here.

You probably know that papaya has all kinds of health benefits.

Just make sure you remove all the seeds before, putting the papaya into the blender. Even though you can eat the seeds, they are quite hot (almost like pepper or horseradish).

One interesting thing I found about papaya: they contain an enzyme that breaks down proteins in mosquito bites. Now you have found a good use for your left-over papaya seeds :-)


  • 1 cup sliced papaya
  • 1 cup fresh or frozen strawberries
  • 1 banana
  • ice cubes


Peel the papaya and remove the seeds. Cut into slices. Cut banana into big chunks.

Put everything into a blender and mix thoroughly. Add ice cubes until your drink has the desired consistency. If needed, add sugar.

Banana Strawberry Drink

The pear is optional, because it's a very seasonal fruit that you might not get all year round.


  • 1/2 banana
  • 1/2 pear
  • 1/2 cup strawberries
  • 1 cup water
  • dash of cinnamon
  • 1 tablespoon high-quality protein powder (optional)


Cut pear into halves and take out the core.

Put banana, pear and berries into blender together with water and mix thoroughly. Slowly add protein powder and cinnamon.

Serve immediately.

If you like it chilled, add some ice cubes or put the fruits and water into the fridge before blending.

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