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Strawberry Recipes, Issue #59 - Sparkling Strawberries
June 28, 2009

The Ezine For Every Strawberry Lover!

June 28th, 2009

Issue #59


we've been eating strawberries every day for the last month, somehow I'm running out of ideas what to do with them ;-)

But even though I couldn't resist and bought a wonderful big ever bearing strawberry plant. This type of plant will bear fruits until early October, therefore my personal strawberry season will continue a couple of months :-)

If you have a favorite recipe, you'd like to share, please send it to me and I'll publish it in the next newsletter.

Sparkling Strawberries

This recipe gives your favorite fruit a fresh and tangy taste, while at the same time it takes away the sourness.


  • 6 cups (3 pints) strawberries, washed, capped, and halved
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 3 tablespoons ginger ale
  • 3 tablespoons orange juice


In a wide shallow bowl arrange strawberries. Sprinkle sugar over strawberries. Add orange juice and ginger ale.

Let stand at room temperature 1 hour, turning berries occasionally. If there are leftovers, cover and store in refrigerator.

Makes 6 one cup servings.


Kitchen Tip

How to freeze strawberries

To freeze strawberries is one of the easiest, least time-consuming and most convenient methods to conserve them for winter time.

My favorite method is to "Freeze Whole Strawberries Without Sugar"

The best suited strawberries to be frozen are berries that are dark red, firm and fully ripe.

Remove stem and caps. Sort, wash and drain the fruit carefully. Do not soak in water, or the strawberry will lose flavor and nutrients. Do not add sugar.

Freeze strawberries individually in a single layer on cookie sheets. After completely frozen (about 24h) place into freezer containers or flexible freezer bags.

Find more freezing methods here

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