The Ezine For Every Strawberry Lover!

May 5th, 2008

Issue # 46

Hello <>,

Happy Mother's Day!! I'm wishing the very best to all mothers. Let yourself celebrate on that special day.

Strawberry time is approaching fast, therefore I'll send this newsletter more often to give you more great recipes. If you have a strawberry recipes you want to be published, just send it to my by replying to this newsletter.

I'd be delighted and many other readers would be as well!!

This week I chose a yummy and healthy strawberry salad recipe from the e-cookbook library for you.

Strawberry and Feta Salad

Yummy, healthy, easy, fast to prepare. What else could you wish from a strawberry recipe? This one is perfect for warm evenings, dining outside, with a cup of wine. Delicious!


  • 1 cup slivered almonds
  • 2 cloves minced garlic
  • 1 teaspoon honey
  • 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard
  • 1/4 cup raspberry vinegar
  • 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
  • 1 cup vegetable oil
  • 1 head romaine lettuce
  • 1 pint fresh strawberries
  • 2 tablespoons brown sugar
  • 1 cup feta cheese
Serves 4.


Slice strawberries in quarters, tear the lettuce into peaces and crumble feta cheese.

Cook the almonds in a pan over medium heat, stirring frequently, until lightly toasted. Remove from heat, and set aside to cool down.

Prepare the dressing in a small bowl: whisk together the garlic, honey, Dijon mustard, raspberry vinegar, balsamic vinegar, brown sugar, and vegetable oil.

In a large bowl, toss together the toasted almonds, romaine lettuce, strawberries, and feta cheese. Cover with the dressing mixture, and serve immediately.



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Kitchen Tip

When working with dough, don't flour your hands; coat them with olive oil to prevent sticking.

Do you have a great kitchen tip from your mom or your grandma? Send it to me by replying to this newsletter.

Never Again Headaches and Rotten Strawberries!

You need to own our excellent cookbook, because it contains more than 100 Strawberry recipes. Never again you'll be hunting for strawberry recipes while the precious fruit is rotting in your kitchen.

Take advantage of the top bargain price of only $9.95
Download Strawberry Recipes Collection Ebook

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Comments? Ideas? Feedback? Recipes you want publish? Please tell me. I’d love to hear from you. Just reply to this e-zine and tell me what you think!

Marion Kummerow

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